It begins slowly, so pale and plain. In March most lawns are dormant brown and so are the trees. Then, the little bulbs start to emerge and flower. Galanthus and crocus are the earliest followed by bright little February Gold and Tete a Tete daffodils. With warming soil, spring suddenly bursts forth as the cherry trees, redbuds and dogwoods, and azaleas all flower together. As I visit gardens, some days I find myself repeating the garden phrase “a riot of color” to describe all that is in flower. I’ve always been partial to Redbud trees as that was synonymous with spring at my Noxubee County, Mississippi home. I don’t think they are given their due here in Atlanta. Redbuds are tough little trees that can take the heat, humidity, drought, along with heavy summer rains. The tree also fits nicely into plans that ask for sustainability and native species.  I have since planted one outside my bedroom window here in Atlanta. It is a daily joy in my life. By Easter morning, most trees are fully leaved out and providing some shade for the last of the spring flowers.
Our world has finally emerged from Winter’s slumber.