August is Awesome

Here at the Gardens to Love offices we do our best to put a positive spin on the month of August. We try to avoid phrases such as, “vile weather,” “hateful air today,” or “disgustingly hot.” I do my best to deflect those questions about whether or not the A/C is...

The Scents of Spring: Atlanta Garden Ideas

It starts tentatively, almost a game of hide and seek.  The fragrance of Lonicera fragrantissima is first out on an early February day.  Then a group of February Gold daffodils appear offering their shy but clear scent. In spite of winter’s polar vortex, by...

The Scents of Spring

Atlanta Garden Ideas It starts tentatively, almost a game of hide and seek.  The fragrance of Lonicera fragrantissima is first out on an early February day.  Then a group of February Gold daffodils appear offering their shy but clear scent. In spite of...

Antsy for Spring and Garden Patios

This time of year I get antsy with the heebie-jeebies, jumpin’ heebie-jeebies.  That’s the slang we used in Mississippi when we children had to stay indoors too long.  Perhaps the adult word is  “anxious”, meaning full of desire and endeavor; eager for...